Rachel Lambert: forager, author, guide

Summer Foraging Memories

A handful of Rock Samphire (Crithmum maritimum)

Collecting Rock Samphire on a walk with friends.

My memories of Summer are, inevitably, interlaced with foraging.

Plants and food, namely wild food, has long been an integral part of my life. One that I choose not to live without.

Earlier on in Summer I wrote about keeping things simple and shared easy ways  I turn picnics and barbeques into events with a wild twist, from seaweed breads to seaweed salads, wild salsa verde to elderflower cordial. Summer, after all is meant to have a holiday feel, so labouring over lavish meals doesn't make sense for me - that's for Autumn and Winter!

My most popular foraging plant in Summer

Without a doubt, the wild food that most features in my Summer is Rock Samphire (Crithmum maritimum). Lining cliff walks, evenings on the beach, and wild swimming spots, I find it so easy to gather. Back home I can make a Rock Samphire Salsa Verde from it within minutes, then back on the beach to share it with friends or family. And it always, always goes down a treat, such a punchy, lemony, herby flavour, hence its nickname Sea Fennel. What more does a Summer forager need?!

Rock Samphire (Crithmum maritimum) growing near St Michael's Mount in CornwallA bowl of Rock Samphire Salsa Verde

Where to find Rock Samphire

If you're living in North Scotland, I'm sorry. If your on the east coast, you'll have less opportunities to forage this compared to us Cornish and those on the west-side. I'll leave it there.

In August I took 4 days out to walk the North coast path in Cornwall with a friend - 25 miles of up and down, lots of giggling and achy limbs. I slept well on my return. While my walking companion took photos of us and the fantastic views, I found myself defaulting to pictures of beautiful edibles. Rock Samphire on the cliffs, too far out of reach to clamber for, the drop below being too large to risk.

As Shakespeare wrote; 'Half-way down, Hangs one that gathers samphire; dreadful trade!'

Wild growing Rock Samphire on the cliffs of North Cornwall

My ideal Summer

Rather than risk my life, the words and phrases I associate with summer are; balmy air, sand between my toes, people everywhere, stopping to pluck, pick or gather, soft grass, undulating ground, dozing on the cliffs, rock samphire salsa verde, sunsets, lemony scents, rushing out, got to be out, sea swims, lake swims, wild camping. Barbequed fish, crab sandwiches. Minty desserts, drying herbs for teas, looking out to sea. Laughing, beach fires, chilly post-swim skin, happily tired. Happy dog, heather, rosebay willowherb flowers, purple hues, short nights and long days, intense, will it ever end!?

Forager Rachel Lambert on her holiday, picking samphire!

Forager Rachel Lambert in Summer picking Rock Samphire without clambering over cliff edges

Ideally my Summer is full enough to allow me to fall, glide or merge into Autumn. I can relate to Alys Fowler's words on suiting autumn better - woolly jumpers and all. Soon I'll be ready to have evenings in, cook feasts, do more nature writing, contemplate, meditate and lazily read. Though not quite yet....

How was your Summer? What were your best memories?

I run foraging courses throughout the year, and in-between my own adventures with friends and family. I love to share my passion for wild foods, my knowledge and the journey along the way - I will never know it all!

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