Seaweed and Pumpkin Seed Crispbreads

These seaweed crispbreads are seasoned with two seaweeds and seaweed salt and are delicious! I mean, fat, salt and umami, what could go wrong? The basic recipe was given to me by my dear friend Paul, and I've incorporated seaweed into the mix to add a lovely depth of flavour and goodness. These also happen to be vegan. They are both crispy and slightly chewy in texture and will leave you wanting more.
Here I share the recipe, plus a little on the benefit of adding seaweeds to your meals.
Why add seaweeds?
Egg wrack (Ascophyllum nodosum) and Gutweed (Ulva intestinalis) seaweeds are both super good for you. They are abundant, easy to find and you don't need much to add a burst of flavour and nutrition to your baking. For example, egg wrack (also known as knotted wrack) contains both omega 3 and 6 and plenty of vitamin C. Gutweed (also known as sea greens) contains B12, a good amount of protein and calcium.
Dried and ground egg wrack seaweed Dried and flaked gutweed seaweed
By just adding a teaspoon of each seaweed (dried and ground), you are really going to give your body and mineral boost. These are both seaweeds that I introduce in my seaweed book and on my seaweed foraging courses where I also share tips on how to dry, store and make seaweed powder and salt.

Seaweed and Pumpkin Seed Crisp Bread Recipe
These crackers are tasty, store well and you can alter the ingredients depending on the ingredients you have to hand.
Makes 28 (approx)
280 g mixed seeds (I used 250 g pumpkin seeds and 30 g linseeds)
1 heaped tsp ground egg wrack
1 heaped tsp ground gutweed
200 g wholemeal or spelt flour
50 ml vegetable oil, or half sunflower oil and half nut oil
200 ml boiled hot water
1 tbsp sea salt or seaweed salt
In a large mixing bowl, combine the seeds, seaweeds and flour, then add the oil and boiling water and stir well. It will resemble stiff, soggy porridge. Preheat the oven to 140ºC /fan 120ºC and roll out the dough between two sheets of silicone or baking paper to the thickness of one seed. Cut into rectangles, about 4 cm x 7 cm and using a spatula, peel off and place on a clean baking sheet in two large baking trays. Sprinkle with salt to taste, or grated cheese and bake for 1 hr or a little more until the brown and crisp. Allow to cool and store in an airtight container.

You may also want to browse my seaweed blog for other information and recipes, I also post regularly about what I'm foraging and upcoming courses on instagram and my facebook page. Do remember to tag me if you try this recipe!
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Tags: Ascophyllum nodosum, egg wrack, gutweed, Knotted wrack, seaweed crispbreads, ulva intestinalis, vegan recipe
[…] also have a seaweed version of these crackers, for a more umami […]