Gorse Flower Song

One Winter's morning a few years back, I walked alone through the gorse bushes and was inspired to write this Gorse Flower song. I sung my heart out, with no one to hear and just the dog for company.
It was a blissful morning. I felt uninhibited. Able to simply respond to the presence of these hardy plants and their bright yellow flowers. By the end of the walk, this short ditty was complete.
I have long had a relationship with gorse. I love to share its edible qualities with others, especially as it is so abundant here in Cornwall. Gorse can easily take over areas and is considered as invasive weed in parts of the USA, Australia and New Zealand.
As a forager, gathering abundant, unwanted, invasive 'weeds' is important to me. These are the plants that I'm happy to share, eat and use. These are the plants that give of themselves freely. Neither protected or sparse. These generous, common plants are the ones for me.
Thank you nature.

My gorse flower song is an expression of my joy for this plant. It is also to tell you about gorse. Songs communicate feelings, facts, experiences and always have.
I hope the content makes sense to you. For more inspiration about how to use gorse flowers and for recipe ideas, please search the gorse section of my blog. And I do hope you'll enjoy having any of my books in your hands, three of which contains more images, ideas, and recipes for Gorse. I'm sure you'll be able to guess which books these are!

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Tags: gorse, gorse flowers, Ulex, ulex europeaus, ulex galli, yellow edible flowers