Foraging Burdock Roots

Burdock Arctium lappa, Arctium minus
When the cold starts to hit and autumn is on the cusp of winter I go in search of burdock roots. Long tap roots that help detox the body. After all, it's roots time of year isn't it. Wild burdock roots are a good addition to the potatoes and nourishing root veg that are in season.
Here I share;
- How to identify burdocks
- Why harvest them
- Where burdocks grow
- When to harvest them
- Which parts are edible
- How to harvest them
- How to use burdock roots
If you'd like some burdock recipe ideas, do also take a look at my 3 simple recipes for burdock roots.

How to identify burdock
There are about ten different types of burdock across the world, though only two types are widely cultivated. Here in the UK there are 4 types of burdock, all share a few distinct features.

Burdock has large, broad leaves and purple flowers with a furry, pale underside. The plant grows between 20 cm and over 1 metre tall and can grow up to 2 metres tall in the shade.
Burdock is a biennial (has a 2 year life cycle) and only flowers in the second year, then disperses its seeds/fruits and dies.
Oh those seeds! Softly and persistently they cling to clothing, hair and fur and often travel far before de-entanglement is naturally or forcefully attempted. A burdock badge is often an unwanted accessory.

All burdocks as the name suggests have burs. The burs of burdock look like thistles, but instead of being covered with spikes they are covered in tiny hooks. These hooks give burdock the nickname 'velcro plant', as apparently it inspired the creation of velcro.
Greater burdock (Arctium lappa) and Lesser Burdock (Arctium minus) are the main two burdocks growing in the UK. Lesser burdock is the most common.
Where do burdocks grow?
Burdock is native to Europe and Asia though has naturalised in many places across the world including North America.
They love stony, nitrogen-rich ground and can be found in waysides, woods, waste ground and the edge of fields.

Why eat burdock roots
Burdock has long been considered a valuable food and medicinal plant. Renowned as a superb cleanser for the skin (applied externally to eczema, acne, rashes, dermatitis and psoriasis) and kidneys. Studies also show it has antibiotic, antifungal and antibacterial properties.
Burdock is also a vital ingredient in the traditional dandelion and burdock drink. Which, it turns out, variations of, have been made in the British isles for hundreds of years.
The roots have a mild, earthy nutty flavour and can be eaten raw or cooked and can be dried. The roots are a slow releasing carbohydrate; great for countering blood sugar dips and ideal for diabetics. It is also a sources of calcium, potassium and protein.

Which parts are edible?
The roots, leaves and young stems are all edible. However the leaves are incredibly bitter. The best tasting part is by far the roots.
When and how to harvest the roots?
The roots are best dug up in autumn and winter. This ensures the energy and goodness is stored in the roots and not feeding the rest of the plant.
First you'll need to find the plant (see above). You'll need to find burdock that hasn't flowered yet (doesn't have burs). Burdock that hasn't flowered will live another year, and the roots won't now be decomposing underground!

Burdock roots are long tap roots that require a fair amount of effort to dig up; think sleeves pulled up and a good spade. The tip of wild roots is rarely reached, though not to worry, you’ll have plenty to use.
How to use burdock roots
Burdock roots can be grated raw into salads or into homemade veggie burgers. Can be simmered or roasted with other root veg. In a previous blog I've shared three simple recipes for burdock roots. It can also be simmered to flavour soft drinks or beer.

Burdock is one of the plants I teach on my foraging courses and bespoke foraging experiences.
**Please note you need permission from the land owner to dig up roots here in the UK.**
3 comments on “Foraging Burdock Roots”
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Tags: Arctium lappa, Arctium minus, burdock roots, edible roots, winter roots
[…] You can read and see more about these edible roots in my blog; Foraging for Burdock Roots. […]
Having only just found out what my Burdock plant actually is, is frustrating, as it's now dead with burrs still attached. Being in the partial shade of a tall Silver Birch, it reached 5 feet tall - a magnificent specimen! The burrs have been shifted around my garden by March/April gales, so I wondered if indeed, I'll have "first-year growth" Burdocks sprouting up, any time soon? Do they spread easily and how long will it take for them to grow, please?
Hi Hilz,
Congratulations on your discovery! All good questions, and answers probably come from good old fashioned observation. Obviously the seeds will need to germinate, then root. I've never grown burdock, only wild harvested it, so apologies I don't really know, though I'm sure you'll notice them when they do appear!