Rachel Lambert: forager, author, guide

Eat Wild: Free Foraging Zine!

Front cover of foraging zine: Eat Wild!

It's arrived - 4,000 copies of the first ever, dedicated FREE foraging zine - yes no price unless you choose to donate. An excited Miles Irving (aka Forager Ltd) and multiple members of the Association of Foragers (including myself) are rightly proud and relieved.

Due to be published in June, July and August 2020 (and possibly longer if funding can be sought - do consider donating), it literally is a collaboration between some of the best foraging guides in the UK.

Eat Wild is a practical, creative offering during the COVID-19 pandemic, introducing seasonal wild food as part of the solution in these testing times. I could say more, but you can literally read it, download it, share it and donate to the cause yourself.

Just click on this image or go direct to the website; www.eatwild.org.uk

What is this zine about?

A monthly publication that celebrates the A,B,C of foraging for each month (starting with June). It aims to do just as it says; help its readers and viewers Eat Wild! Full of relevant information including photos, recipes and guidance on where to forage.

Share this free magazine!

Yes, we're encouraging you to share this for free - download it, share on social media, print it and distribute it. We, the Association of Foragers want this information to be shared, enjoyed and used.

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Community Giving Project

We're raising funds to help purchase land for grassroots growing projects for BPOC communities in the UK.

Amount raised so far £4,816.65

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