Rachel Lambert: forager, author, guide
Community Giving
Picking a marigold flower on a foraging walk
Plant identification on a foraging walk
Child finds ladybird  on nature walk
Child picking blackberries (Rubus fruticosus)
Black forager
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I'm supporting Land in Our Names (LION), will you join me?!

LION is a grassroots project dedicated to accessing land and land-based skills run by and for black and people of colour (BPOC). Based in the UK though with links across the world. I have been really impressed by the work of LION to reach those most affected by poverty and barriers that inhibit BPOC from being successful and proactive land stewards.

LION is a grassroots Black-led collective committed to reparation in Britain by connecting land and climate justice with racial justice. We reimagine dynamics of land stewardship and are committed to deep healing of the colonial-rooted trauma that separates us from the land.

We understand land rights as the basis for revolution and sovereignty in our communities. Therefore we are working to transform the narrative around land in Britain. Including how it relates to intersections of race, gender and class for systemic change.

Land has always been a focal point for organising within our communities across the diaspora and it is our hope that this movement can continue in this tradition. One of our central aims is to purchase land and start an intentional BPOC land project. With this in mind we have started a land saving pot.

We have big dreams and we are a small team surviving on a shoestring budget. We have a large network of BPOC growers that we support, so we appreciate any financial support and resources that people can spare.

You can see some of the amazing projects we have worked on over the last year. Such as Rootz into Food Growing and our Growers Grant for Black and People of Colour. You can follow all our work via our website and Instagram.

Person driving a tractor
My own commitment

I am starting this project off by donating 10% of my profits from 2021/22. This is specifically to raise funds for LION to own their own piece of land in the UK to continue their great work. So far we've raised £5,216.65 - thank you for your support, every little counts.

Fundraising goals

The first goal will be to reach £10,000 towards this fund. 

Will you join me? 

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Community Giving Project

We're raising funds to help purchase land for grassroots growing projects for BPOC communities in the UK.

Amount raised so far £4,816.65

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