Rachel Lambert: forager, author, guide

A Walk along the Shoreline with forager Rachel Lambert

Foraging colourful seaweeds on a foraging course in Cornwall

Hi, I live two minutes from the sea and a stone's throw from Seasalt's first-ever shop! I run my own business teaching people to forage along the coast and seashore in Cornwall. Though the coastline is also where I chill out, look for finds and walk the dog...

This is a blog I wrote for Seasalt Cornwall where I discuss things I find when beachcombing along the shoreline, including;

  • a colourful range of seaweeds
  • kelp claws, 'brains' and whips!
  • litter picking
  • sifting for micro plastics (and taking them off the beach)
  • sea glass, a range of shells including limpet 'rings' and finding a special pebble.

You can read the full blog here; A walk along the seashore with Rachel Lambert

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